NYC Virtual Anarchist Bookfair call for workshops

14th NYC Virtual Anarchist Book Fair

Republished from the NYC Virtual Anarchist Book Fair website

September 25-26-27, 2020
14th NYC Virtual Anarchist Book Fair

The NYC Anarchist Book Fair will be held virtually this year, with a few limited outdoor events. Our website will host presses, live digital conversations and workshops, prerecorded talks and roundtables, a film festival, and archival materials from previous events. Deadline for Sept 25-27 NYC ABF submissions is August 31.

(You can still submit your ideas after the deadline but we may not be able to accommodate on Sept 2020 event. If that happens we may contact you about future opportunities in our year long programming.)

Parallel Worlds: Creating Autonomous Communities

When we construct parallel worlds (worlds guided by logics other than consumerism, accumulation, and hierarchy) we lay the groundwork for a viable anti-capitalist life, one free from police and prisons, hunger, propriety, money, and the systemic violence levelled against the physical, psychological, spiritual and communal health of all beings.

Covid-19, despite the personal and social challenge it continues to unleash, has nonetheless opened up a potential (as well as an urgent need) to live differently. It has revealed the profound inadequacy of capitalist-white-supremacist-heteropatriarchy and has sent the governing structures into a once-in-a-generation spiral of crises. Facing a global health crisis, climate catastrophe, economic impoverishment, and relentless state violence, the Black Lives Matter movement and the formation of autonomous zones it sparked have stepped up to demand and begin to create new ways of living together outside of the oppressive systems inherited from racist, sexist, and classist colonial frameworks. We stand with them in struggle. The revolution is now—we are building the worlds we want to live in.

We invite our comrades, fellow-travelers, allies, and friends to participate in the formation of self-governing alternative systems. We are particularly interested in hosting workshops, conversations, artworks, and films related to themes such as: communal care/mutual aid networks, decolonized futures, black liberation, anti-capitalist/non-for-profit medicine and healing systems, food autonomy, zero-money economies, resistance organizing (especially indigenous, immigrants, black lives matter and other oppressed groups), environmental regeneration and anti-capitalist media.

Read our full statement here

Register to run a workshop here