Via Nottingham IWW
Nottinghamshire IWW are hosting an online assembly reflecting on mutual aid during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond.
We’ll be joined by a number of excellent speakers:
John Preston and Rhiannon Firth, authors of Coronavirus, Class and Mutual Aid in the United Kingdom:
John and Rhiannon will be joining us to share insights from their new book on how the UK government’s response to the current Covid-19 pandemic disadvantages the working class and how mutual aid can be used as a force for social change.
Rob and Eshe Kiama Zuri, UK Mutual Aid:
UK Mutual Aid is an intersectional and activist support network for marginalised people in the UK, running since December 2018.
DP Hunter, The Class Work Project:
Hunter, author of Tracksuits, Trauma and Traitors, will share thoughts on The Class Work Project’s experiences of wealth distribution during the pandemic and the place of mutual aid in his work and its importance for organising.
As well as hearing from these speakers the assembly will give the opportunity for questions and discussion.
This online event is open to all and will be hosted on Zoom. To attend and receive the Zoom details please email